Thursday, November 26, 2015

company 20th annual dinner

i have attended company 20th anniversary annual dinner in weil hotel on 26 Nov 2015..
this is the second time that i attended this company's annual dinner..
cant believe that i have work for more than a year in here...

the theme was bling bling and hat..
so i dressed myself like a princess
love the costumes yesterday, when everyone is saying you look likes a princess..
photo to be uploaded later..
just want to share how excited am i ..

the annual was started with the speech by our OM - Mr Ong and then follow by president of sales FRS Mr Robert.
was very funny because our president actually requests the emcee to do translation for him in Malay..
(the emcee is a very experienced and talented emcee- KT Pillai)
the most excited part is lucky draw, it actuaaly divided into 4 session...
i wish my number will not announce in the first and second session.
because the 3rd session is for second and first prize and the last session will be the grand prize..
however my number was selected in the second session. so i have a slow cooker..ahhaha
my 500 cash, 1000 cash and 2000 cash fly away d...
is ok, i have a slow cooker, maybe i can ring to office and cook at there?

will upload photo later..

Monday, November 23, 2015


恭喜你们(Mynn and Zervyn) 结婚了。。。。

Mynn, 我们认识5年了吧, 从大一就认识到现在, 
时间真的过的很快不知不觉已经毕业两年了, 很怀念以前无忧无虑的日子。。
不知不觉你已经嫁人了, 会不会不知不觉就生小孩了呢? haha
话说回来, 你老公的兄弟团也太厉害了吧, 都没出现我们想看的样子。。
先说好了,到我结婚的时候,你们一定要出席,不要好像powerfat fat这样!!

虽然我们毕业后没有常联络, 可是默契并没有少, 也不会尴尬。。
看见大家又可以聚在一起, 真的很幸福叻。。
