Sunday, December 27, 2015

gift exchange party

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle all the way..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone :)

enjoying my last day holiday at home and update my blog...
yesterday was boxing day and we had a gift exchange party with the gang..
our dinner was pizza, Ayamas and Spaghetti.  ..

we started our gift exchanged after we played a few times of the "pirates bin"
jiang jiang...

he is trying to convince me how good of his present is ! but actually ....................
The Santa Claus....
hahah, he looks so happy, but end up??
he was being forced to act cute infront of the camera..hahah
He is so lucky!, because he 抽中我的礼物!!
the smaller, the better....


Stationery from Wei Yoong

Starbucks Tumbler from Siau Sien

leopard tumbler from Akai

see, how lucky of my present..

Chocolate from Yang

Sexy sleep wear from Mandy

see what i got as my present? a boxer? cryinggggg...i dont want la...

XIaomi Powerbank from Victor....This also not bad ma....

facial mask from Tommy, i want this can?????

i think we have missed out of alot of photo..haizzzz有人欢喜有人愁。。
i already got the idea what should i buy for next year gift exchange d...!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

company 20th annual dinner

i have attended company 20th anniversary annual dinner in weil hotel on 26 Nov 2015..
this is the second time that i attended this company's annual dinner..
cant believe that i have work for more than a year in here...

the theme was bling bling and hat..
so i dressed myself like a princess
love the costumes yesterday, when everyone is saying you look likes a princess..
photo to be uploaded later..
just want to share how excited am i ..

the annual was started with the speech by our OM - Mr Ong and then follow by president of sales FRS Mr Robert.
was very funny because our president actually requests the emcee to do translation for him in Malay..
(the emcee is a very experienced and talented emcee- KT Pillai)
the most excited part is lucky draw, it actuaaly divided into 4 session...
i wish my number will not announce in the first and second session.
because the 3rd session is for second and first prize and the last session will be the grand prize..
however my number was selected in the second session. so i have a slow cooker..ahhaha
my 500 cash, 1000 cash and 2000 cash fly away d...
is ok, i have a slow cooker, maybe i can ring to office and cook at there?

will upload photo later..

Monday, November 23, 2015


恭喜你们(Mynn and Zervyn) 结婚了。。。。

Mynn, 我们认识5年了吧, 从大一就认识到现在, 
时间真的过的很快不知不觉已经毕业两年了, 很怀念以前无忧无虑的日子。。
不知不觉你已经嫁人了, 会不会不知不觉就生小孩了呢? haha
话说回来, 你老公的兄弟团也太厉害了吧, 都没出现我们想看的样子。。
先说好了,到我结婚的时候,你们一定要出席,不要好像powerfat fat这样!!

虽然我们毕业后没有常联络, 可是默契并没有少, 也不会尴尬。。
看见大家又可以聚在一起, 真的很幸福叻。。


Saturday, October 31, 2015



也不会有校草, 帅哥看。。

每一年都会有篮球比赛, 然后都会有不同学校的男生来到我们的学校。。
哈哈, 我们一年里大概就只有这一个星期比较热闹和疯狂。。LOL
有时候还蛮后悔的, 当初应该要在社团里更加活跃才对。。
现在长大了, 不需要遵守所谓的校规了,可我也不觉得自由。。

有时候觉得自己蛮幸运的, 我上课时总是在睡觉。。
回家做功课? 怎么可能。。hahah
还好中5的时候还会“用功”一下, 至少还能享受4年的大学生活,
时间过的好快哦。。怎么办, 可不可以慢一点???

在那个没有手机, 没有网络的年代, 消失,是很容易的事。。 
毕业后,工作后, 还能像以前一样吗?
喝个两杯, 玩几盘游戏。。。
其实心里很清楚,每个人都有自己的工作, 都有自己的压力。。

满脑子都是徐太宇, 我的校园生活怎么都没有徐太宇呢。。

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

short trip to KL

went to KL with my gang of frens last weekend..
actually we were planning to have a short trip long time ago,
but somehow it just like "no sound" after a few discussion..
so this time, without taking too much time to discuss, to plan..
we decided to go KL was just about 3 weeks ago, not much discussion as well..
so i think if you really want to go somewhere else, no need to discuss so much..

it was a short trip, 2 days 1 night in KL..
woke up early in the sat, had a dim sum as breakfast, then depart to KL.
actually it's a food hunting trip..
really non stop eating..

first station- Tous Les Jours - EMPIRE
we reached KL was quite early, and before check in. Just stopped by Empire and had a cup of drinks

it looks delicious, but too bad, we actually didnt order any cake...

first group photo of the day !! 

this is our hotel, i think is suites?
it has 2 bedrooms inside, and only RM240 per night.
i think is quite cheap in KL? Shah Alam actually..
and their service is very good..

after dinner, we went to one city.
actually i prefer I city, but too bad, the haze was very serious,
i dont think we can have any nice photo there..

sky part- so terrible lo..omg

 we went to Antipodean cafe for breakfast on sunday.
omg, i m so in look for this !!! especially the mushrooms..
and the handome waiters.hahahaha

decided to hang around ONE U before heading back to Ipoh, because we want to buy Uncle Tetsu 
my favourite, then "meet" my oppa Lee Min Ho..

"had a great lunch with Oppa" <3 br="">


as we said, this is a food hunting trip, how can we stop ??
so we took an early dinner in I-Setan, i cant remember the shop name d..
but their Ramen is very nice, few of frens also recommend this..

see, really non stop eating ...
and i gained weight d.. 2KG !!
are you kidding? NO..:(

got to do more exercise d, i dont want be a fat bridesmaid...><

Saturday, August 15, 2015


本以为会是一个美好的周末, 结果被车门夹到手指, 还是姆子!!
哇, 简直就是入心入肺。。


我那么大一个人被车门夹到都会痛成这个样子, 小孩子要怎么办。。。


Monday, July 13, 2015

the fucker's mouth

such a bad day..
when u ask for "her" advise, forever the person keeping their fucking mouth shut..
then when comes to problem, the fucking mouth open! ..
and start to blame this and that....

memang benci orang macam ini..
tak ada orang yang suka dia....
sombong, selalu ingatlah dia yang betul..
humble sikit tak tau keh???
memang dia tak tau, mau minta tolong pun tak tau..
kalau awak mau minta tolong, mintalah baik baik...
marah orang ???
tak tau apa orang ni...
tak suka ah..


Sunday, July 12, 2015


也太伤心了吧, 医生叫我要戒口。。。
然后还说,酸的,辣的, 不好消化的都不能吃。。。
然后我上网查了一下, 居然连我最爱的tomato都不能吃。。

很少说会饿肚子的, 怎么现在会胃酸逆流了。。

我想吃korean BBQ, sushi shasimi....

Sunday, June 21, 2015


i am not going to share how we celebrate father day.
instead,i just wan to express my feeling..
family is always the no 1 in my heart,
include my parents, my sisters and my dog..
*he is not my pet, but our family*

actually i did shared alot regarding of dad in previous postS..
i just wanna say i really love him very muchhhhh....
he is the best man in the world !!!
no matter what, he work so hard for us, i will work hard too, for him, for my mum and my family..

many ppl said i shouldn't just stay in Ipoh,  i should go out to discover the world( i mean working),
but i don't think so, i am so so so happy for staying in Ipoh, i have my family,
i can spend more time with them..
我真的很幸福, 因为可以常常跟他们在一起.。。

btw, i just wanna wish my dad, my mum, my sisters, my dog and myself staying healthy all the time..

Friday, May 29, 2015

”Dear Mom“

finally i am finished watching "dear mom"
i like this drama alot,
first is because it's quite near to our current culture
this drama is talking about the story of 4 daughters
each of them have a different story, and i realized is quite similar with mine..
elder sister is the one who is always leading the younger sis(not 100% la),
celim is like the third sister in movie..quite independent...LOL-perhaps.....
and youngest sister is always the most "naughty" my youngest sis..
stubborn, hahahha

i found out that one scene is quite touching is when their second daughter get married..
her parents is very very "bu she" of her daughter, and of course the second daugther also feeling bu she..
imagine one day you are waking up from a new bed, you have to change your habit that you are actually doing for 20 years? or even more that that?
you no longer the princess, you got to start taking care of yourself ...
haiz, i can imagine how bu she when i get married, but i will promise myself that i must go back home every week ...
no matter what happen...even when i have my own child ..
this shouldnt be changed..

here is the place that i grow up, the place that i have fun with my family..
my lovely sisters..and my lovely creamboy..

i pledge ..

Friday, April 3, 2015


what to preview?hahah 
no idea, just dont wanna leave my blog too long..

remembered 2 years back, i am quite excited in updating my blog
i mean i update my blog quite frequent, like 3-4 posts a week
but now, no even one post a month, 
last time i used to update whatever happened to me, 
but now, just dunno how to update, even though i went for a trip, i stil dont have the idea how to update this....

i should have find back the passion of updating my blog,
not to share with who, not to promote wat (i dont hv this ability also)hahah
but what i mean here is, i should have update my blog more frequent, 
as a record of my life, my diary should full of "color" 
so that i can read it when i am 

so start from this post la..
what had happened in March?
we have a short gathering with my gang , 
because bong, jc and supei were graduated, like finally.hahahaha
i think we are too brave, because we actually didnt make any hotel booking !
we just walk in, at first the receptionist told us it's full,
but they will call us if they have any available room..
ok, just relax, then we straight away went in UTAR, 
to find our lovely bong and JC..
after that we tried to check again with the hotel, 
and we were just too lucky, because they have available room for us !
executive suits, with a living room, but just one bed..
pity the guy, because they got to sleep at sofa..
8 of us fit in one room...
the room actually very big, but the problem is only one bed..
erm, not to complaint too much, at least we still very lucky.. :)
no where, staying in the hotel, had a drink with them..haha
best things ever!
we only stayed one night, so i said, just a short gathering, 
really so short !hahah 

2nd things that i wanna to record is, finally i done my embroidery..
hahaha, why so sudden?
actually is not, i considered quite a long time d..
just no money jekkk...
i personally think that the price is quite reasonable..
RM400 ONLY, somemore with half year "warranty"
and also the shape quite nice, i not sure about others, 
but i like the shape..
actually i am quite worried at first, 
i scare the shape not nice la, i scare later macam ah po la
i scare later the shape macam 10 years ago de la....etc
but lucky..hahahah
well, its ok for me to take off my make-up anytime..
but actually i also seldom make up..LOL
my family is quite supportive, my mum and my sis were also done their embroidery here..
gonna update some photo here, words are not enough to describe the things..hahaha

i think that's all?????LOL 

Monday, March 23, 2015


caught a short gathering with the Gang last weekend (14032015)
actually is our bong bong and my dearest jc & my "boss" graduation !

Finally!congrat dearS!
still, i dont hv the courage to drive that far yet, 
so got to please my dad to fetch go back kampar early in the morning
thanks god for giving me such a good family, appreciate alot
my dad used to sing this to us when we were small 
(你乖乖地我就锡晒你,你出街我做个好司机)<3 div="">
hahaha, he did that ! 

Kampar is a good chilling place, LOL
staying in the hotel, update each others, play a game, have a drinks is much enjoyable than anything.

so we actually didnt go where, instead we were just staying in the hotel. 
to play game, to gossip, to have a drink...haha
especially gossip..haha
almost 3 we didnt met each others, gossip is a must!
and in this gang, i can act as 38 as i can!! 
actually i am a very 38 gal.., for those who know me, they will knew that..hhaha
i enjoyed to be a 38 gal, 
crazy 38 the characteristic of this gang, and i am one of the member !!

one thing cant be missed out in this gathering is ! 
Tham Shin Yei seems like so complicated now!
she is the one who used to say ppl" dont play so much on phone la"
but then we realized she is whatapps with her fren, with a smiley face!
haha, wondering who is the person, we know is a guy!
tham shin yei, waiting your good news ya!

btw, where is my good news?/

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


i am tired, but i am happy and i enjoy it!!
i am talking about my work..haha
one week before CNY, we being told that shipping department is going to close,
and all the shipping task will be handled by CSR for their responsible market...
ok, i got it..
i was not tat worry at first, because the 2 markets that i am handling is quite easy, and relax.
however after CNY, my manager told me that she will transfer some of the others market to me..
which i already start handling last week,
seriously, the new market really much harder than my 2 markets!!
and when shipping come tgt!
whole CSR dept is like in a War now!!
you have ur own task to do like, enter order, prepare quotation, follow up with mfg, deal with customer, and etc..
and now you have a new task to do ..
prepare all the shipping docs, prepare invoice and etc...
can you imagine that??
btw, i am still thinking i am the lucky one, because one of my colleague OT everyday,
and sometimes even OT until 10pm..
and still, her work couldnt finish..
PITY her..

But still, i am very enjoy my work now..
it is very challenging...
although very stress now..
but i think it will be better soon...
practice make perfect right..:)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

life is full of surprise

congrats to myself because i got confirmed on the 1st of Jan!
i believed 2015 will be a good year for me...
at first i was quite sad because i didnt get any bonus this year! 
but also because i am still new, and just got confirmed..
bt life is full of surprise isnt it?
because we got extra one month pay,!! (this is not bonus oh)
this is the first time happened in this company as according to my colleagues
bt yet because i have nt work more than 1 year, so i just got 1/4 from my salary !
but still, happy la..hahha
better than ntg..

as i said, life is full of surprise...
i guess my daddy is planning to come back work ..!
cant wait to see daddy, 
we have been 3 months didnt seeing each others, 
and i have more than 3 months never hear his voice..
super miss him la,,
i always dream of my dad, i guess i really too miss him d, 
but he is coming back soon!!
i really cant wait..
daddy we miss u so much!
but i think my mum is the one who miss him the most!
i cant believe that my mum and my dad can chat more than 2 hours everyday !
and now, actually i am the one who prepares the dinner, because the time i came back home, 
my mum also busy in chatting with my dad, 
so she has no time to cook and i need to prepare the dinner for them...LOL LOL LOL
somehow i think my mum is a very 幸福 woman, she has a husband who love her so so much..
until now, my mum will still get her valentine, birthday and anniversary gift from my dad, 
my dad will bought her flower during valentine..
my dad know ntg in IT, bt yet, he will bought my mum new IPAD, and smartphone
my mum is the first one who got smartphone among our family !!!!
and IPAD, until now i still havent get myself an IPAD, bt she did!
u wont know how funny when my dad bought my mum the smartphone, 
he really know ntg about IT, he dont even know what does tat call..
what he knows was the tv commercial..haha
so he told the salesman, neh, gt chicken sat on the top one ah, 
can slide into the room one ah,
then the salesman said oh , S2, 
my dad still answered him, i dunno la, i only know the chicken sat on the top, hahahha
funny right, bt this is my dad..
my dad even told us to take care mummy, bt he didnt ask mummy to take care of us? 
lol (jealous - ing) hahaha

i always feel thankful, 
because i have a very happy family, i am not born rich, bt i really so so so happy, 
we did argue but still we know, we are family, 
we love, we care and we happy !!

thanks god...:)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Mynn Loo ROM

13th Dec 2014 was a meaningful date to Mynn,
she officially becomes Mrs Siah !
congrats ..LOL

if not mistaken, we got informed 2 months before her ROM,
our gang were abit excited,
this is a very good chance for us to have a short gathering after half years that never meet each others.
since Penang is a food paradise, what else can we do?
eat jek la LOL...

was departed abit late that day, depart from Ipoh around 9pm, reach penang around 11pm,
then went to fetch Vivi at airport(she don want to miss this gathering).
reach Hotel on 12am something !!!
after that, mynn came and brief us abit the flow, especially to Emcee Tham !

Her ROM,
we woke up very early, because the hotel got one toilet jek!!!,
somemore, we need to make up, Mynn's ROM was started on 9 something morning,
no choice but to wake up early !! ..

 a short video !!!

didnt really take much photo, everyone was so busy walking around, and hide under tree..
it was so hot !!! ..hahah
btw, congrat once again!!


Overall, we spent the 3 days in eating, drinking , eating and drinking ..
this is the power of food paradise..LOL
but, i want to say is , i didnt eat any laksa !!! .. sad nia!..
never mind, i will go again !...