Monday, October 28, 2013


I told myself must blog update my  periodically , 
i want to record down all the event that has happened to me , 
so that when i read my blog, 
it will bring back memories, 
my personal time machine, ? 

My aunt and cousin came back from newzealand and were staying at my house

for almost one month. 
they  went back to newzealand last saturday. 
i'm still not getting used to of that
because they actually brought us laughter , sound of joy can be heard from every corner of the house, 
my aunt is a good cook, she cook very well
and despite of that, i have to put aside my diet plan, 
 we went to cameron and sitiawan during the course of event,  
we ate alo,
and speaking of food. we've had the opportunity to try tian xia di li lai, 
the most spicy taiwan sausage in the world.
just a bite and tears will start flowing. 
we gave up after the first bite. 
The spicy-ness remains in ur mouth for almost 10 mins. 
drinking cold water is not suffice to cool down the spicy-ness it brought. 
i think that's the best experience they have had in ipoh
My aunt is a very good chef, but wahat bout his son? 
well, my cousin specialize in hacking, 
i mean hacking computer program, 
he'll be a pro hacker and IT technician in the future. 
i should have ask him to teach me how to hack perhaps? hahahah

there were a minor setnack when we're on the way home from sitiawan
when we were on the way from sitiwan to tualang. 
a tree fell down on its own 100 m away from us, 
after the dinner at tualang, the car's spot light malfunction, 
this stroke of bad luck din not end there, 
as the way is dark and the spot light is not working, 
we hit a big hole and bang, 
two tyres were punctured, 
that sum up our bad day 

well, all good things must come to an end. after one month of travelling in malaysia. 
they got to go back to their country. 
 we're started to miss them and looking forward them to come back. 

p/s: they missed their flight due to the staff have directed them to wrong places. 
i wondered how could this happened because they had did their check in on time